To be fair, you're an asshat. Just because some women support it, that doesn't mean all women do. Do you even use your brain to think? I suppose because some men are pedos, we should just believe they all are.
First of all, like Socrates once (allegedly) said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." Say what you will about me, but I don't need to name-call someone to make a point. What I say can stand on its own merits.
Not all snakes are venomous, but it only takes one to kill you. Not all women support this, but ENOUGH do, and more simply provide this dysfunction their silent & obedient consent.
On another note--you're right in saying that some women do in fact support this. However, the only reason why things have gotten so bad is because the so called "silent majority" chose to stay silent and hidden while the so called vocal minority steamrolled their way through the culture. Not to mention that throughout the 80s and 90s, weren't women the main ones behind the whole "I like a man who's in touch with his feminine side" social movement? That eventually led to this modern dysfunction of troons and weirdos trying to get into women's spaces.
Before I close this out, allow me to give a brief lesson in Grammar/Syntax 101: Unless I am adding the words "all" or "every" as a qualifier in reference to a noun or verb, then the whole group is NOT being referred to; a generalization is just that--something that is GENERALLY true. Also, generalizations allow for exceptions to the rule.
To be fair, you're an asshat. Just because some women support it, that doesn't mean all women do. Do you even use your brain to think? I suppose because some men are pedos, we should just believe they all are.
First of all, like Socrates once (allegedly) said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." Say what you will about me, but I don't need to name-call someone to make a point. What I say can stand on its own merits.
Not all snakes are venomous, but it only takes one to kill you. Not all women support this, but ENOUGH do, and more simply provide this dysfunction their silent & obedient consent.
On another note--you're right in saying that some women do in fact support this. However, the only reason why things have gotten so bad is because the so called "silent majority" chose to stay silent and hidden while the so called vocal minority steamrolled their way through the culture. Not to mention that throughout the 80s and 90s, weren't women the main ones behind the whole "I like a man who's in touch with his feminine side" social movement? That eventually led to this modern dysfunction of troons and weirdos trying to get into women's spaces.
Before I close this out, allow me to give a brief lesson in Grammar/Syntax 101: Unless I am adding the words "all" or "every" as a qualifier in reference to a noun or verb, then the whole group is NOT being referred to; a generalization is just that--something that is GENERALLY true. Also, generalizations allow for exceptions to the rule.