Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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I absolutely detest the government.
Posted a while back that my dad was unfairly fired from his job. That was almost exactly a month ago. His boss said he messed up a major job but Dad was sure he didn’t, and she wouldn’t show him proof. He tried multiple times. However, his mistake was so severe (/s) that his evil boss offered him a desk job (he’s a tradesman) for $10 less an hour. We barely got by with his full check and she knew that. She called him family, said he was essential to their mom and pop shop. He did so much for them.
So we applied for unemployment, food stamps, and Medicaid.
Medicaid and food stamps went through. Even though he’s done what he’s supposed to and paid his taxes since 16 years old, he only gets less than $200/month in food stamps.
He’s been forced to go ahead and retire. He turns 65 in 3 days, and he’s having to retire a year sooner than he wanted to.
It’s been almost a month and we still haven’t seen the first unemployment check. They’re “understaffed”. So one month with 0 money.
Now we’re getting jerked around about social security. It’s an absolute nightmare to deal with them, next to impossible to get a hold of anyone, and you have to wrap up every scrap of personal information you have and send it to them to get any of this done.
His social security was only going to be something like $2000. Before Medicare fees are taken out. But now they’re double taking out Medicare even though he was told he’d only have to pay $35 and would receive assistance for the remainder.
And Medicare absolutely sucks. Covers nothing. But you have to get it. It’s insanity.
It’s a nightmare. It’s all one gigantic headache designed to be as annoying and complicated and confusing as possible. For a system aimed at seniors. I’ve had to do most of it for them because they aren’t tech savvy.
And that they don’t care at all that they make you go a month with zero income? Absolutely disgusting.
We need XRP to moon so bad.
Update: The system is so broken. SS said that it would “be illegal” for him to get support on his Medicare payment. Our local government are the ones that set it up for us.
Our local government told us that he was given Medicaid until January 1st and it would then switch to Medicare. Now they’re charging us for having Medicare in December when he didn’t apply for that. Why should we have to pay for useless Medicare when he’s not even on SS yet and we are getting 0 income because local government can’t pull their heads out long enough to give him his legally entitled unemployment?
At its deepest most foundational level, this country is an absolute mess held together by ratty old duct tape.
Taxes are another reason to hate the government. They needlessly over complicate everything. It’s all to cause chaos rather than function smoothly or actually be helpful.
All I want is to be able to cash out half my bag and have it be enough to pay off the house and survive. I don’t need a lambo, I just want to exist without stress and the ever present fear of homelessness eating away at me.