But it doesn't have to be -- just take it out of the hands of people who graduated as "education majors" and there would be a massive improvement.
If they would stop messing around with "experimental teaching methods", began teaching by skill level rather than age level, and stopped pushing kids through the system whether they learned anything or not -- things would improve.
When Elon finishes with DOGE -- they ought to send him to check on the efficiency of the school system.
Went to Catholic school. Had 1 nun per school year. Stayed in 1 classroom until 8th grade. 8 yrs with the 60 kids but different nun. We has school from 8:00am to 3:00pm. 15 minutes for recess from 10-10:15. Kindergarten through 8th grade. Took us 3 mins. to put our books away, were outside by 10;05. Played hopscotch, 4 square, jump rope. No playground equipment or sand. Just blazing hot black street asphalt got lined up by class, were back in our assigned seats by 10:05! Our subjects included: Catechism, Spelling, Math, Geography, Science, Reading, Art, American History, world Geography, Printing- grades kindergarten through 2nd. Penmanship/Cursive Writing, 3rd through 8th grade. We used #2 pencils and cartridge pens. You got a “fail” if you had messy papers with ink spots. Everyone’s tests were put up on the walls so everybody could see who wasn’t getting A’s, B’s or C’s. Any other grade you were made fun of. We had 35 mins.for lunch. Everyone brought lunch. No cafeterias We sat on a bench that specked the schoolyard by grade. You ate your lunch off your lap and couldn’t get up for ANY REASON unless Sister said you could. We had 25 mins. Stop play then back to class. We also sand the National Anthem every morning before entering our school, prayed for 5-7 mins before we started class in a.m., said short prayer before a.m. recess, prayed after recess, said 7 mins. Prayer before and after lunch. Said another prayer before going home. On Fridays we art time, Wednesdays we studied the Mass in Latin, on Thursdays we spent 45 mins. in our Church going to Confession so we could have communion at Church on Sunday at Mass. We did many, many more things at school depending on time of year. We were taught manners, how to correctly answer the phone, how to introduce our friends to our parents, how to behave at the dinner table and many more social graces. We got homework in EVERY subject every night. School was work. We got hit with rulers, pointers, leather straps, were sent to the principals office for almost any talking or turning our heads. School sounds horrible but I loved it. We learned so much that when I went to public school in 7th grade. I was doing Geometry but was made to take 7th grade math because Geometry was for 9th graders only! 7th graders were learning fractions which I learned in 4th grade! I 2-3 yrs ahead in school till I graduated in 1972. We went to school afraid of disappointing our teacher, getting punished for our behavior, (painful corporal punishments), and the phone call to our parents. I LOVED every minute of Catholic School. Couldn’t stand public school. Felt I was totally wasting my time. All schools should be run like Catholic schools. You LEARN so much more than how to suck **** or eat *****!
Yeah, it’s not the kids can’t learn so we need more teachers. The kids can’t learn cause the teachers don’t know how to keep order and schedules to have time to teach!
Yep, college is the same too.
This is another reason why home schooling is so much more effective in educating.
Stop giving you kids to the state
There is a little truth too that and Add Prozac, TV and now computers and smart Phones.
It’s kid jail so both parents can be slaves instead of just one.
But it doesn't have to be -- just take it out of the hands of people who graduated as "education majors" and there would be a massive improvement.
If they would stop messing around with "experimental teaching methods", began teaching by skill level rather than age level, and stopped pushing kids through the system whether they learned anything or not -- things would improve.
When Elon finishes with DOGE -- they ought to send him to check on the efficiency of the school system.
Everything you learn after 4th grade is nothing more than details on the shit you've already learned.
So very true.
Went to Catholic school. Had 1 nun per school year. Stayed in 1 classroom until 8th grade. 8 yrs with the 60 kids but different nun. We has school from 8:00am to 3:00pm. 15 minutes for recess from 10-10:15. Kindergarten through 8th grade. Took us 3 mins. to put our books away, were outside by 10;05. Played hopscotch, 4 square, jump rope. No playground equipment or sand. Just blazing hot black street asphalt got lined up by class, were back in our assigned seats by 10:05! Our subjects included: Catechism, Spelling, Math, Geography, Science, Reading, Art, American History, world Geography, Printing- grades kindergarten through 2nd. Penmanship/Cursive Writing, 3rd through 8th grade. We used #2 pencils and cartridge pens. You got a “fail” if you had messy papers with ink spots. Everyone’s tests were put up on the walls so everybody could see who wasn’t getting A’s, B’s or C’s. Any other grade you were made fun of. We had 35 mins.for lunch. Everyone brought lunch. No cafeterias We sat on a bench that specked the schoolyard by grade. You ate your lunch off your lap and couldn’t get up for ANY REASON unless Sister said you could. We had 25 mins. Stop play then back to class. We also sand the National Anthem every morning before entering our school, prayed for 5-7 mins before we started class in a.m., said short prayer before a.m. recess, prayed after recess, said 7 mins. Prayer before and after lunch. Said another prayer before going home. On Fridays we art time, Wednesdays we studied the Mass in Latin, on Thursdays we spent 45 mins. in our Church going to Confession so we could have communion at Church on Sunday at Mass. We did many, many more things at school depending on time of year. We were taught manners, how to correctly answer the phone, how to introduce our friends to our parents, how to behave at the dinner table and many more social graces. We got homework in EVERY subject every night. School was work. We got hit with rulers, pointers, leather straps, were sent to the principals office for almost any talking or turning our heads. School sounds horrible but I loved it. We learned so much that when I went to public school in 7th grade. I was doing Geometry but was made to take 7th grade math because Geometry was for 9th graders only! 7th graders were learning fractions which I learned in 4th grade! I 2-3 yrs ahead in school till I graduated in 1972. We went to school afraid of disappointing our teacher, getting punished for our behavior, (painful corporal punishments), and the phone call to our parents. I LOVED every minute of Catholic School. Couldn’t stand public school. Felt I was totally wasting my time. All schools should be run like Catholic schools. You LEARN so much more than how to suck **** or eat *****!
This is similar to my education in a country school in the1950's and 60's.
Yeah, it’s not the kids can’t learn so we need more teachers. The kids can’t learn cause the teachers don’t know how to keep order and schedules to have time to teach!