REPORT: Evidence Suggests FDR Let Pearl Harbor Happen to Force America into WWII (The FF Sinking of the 'Lusitania' brought America into WW1)
Cabal is History
this was pretty well-known among Pearl Harbor veterans by the early 1990s even. I had a chance to meet many of them in San Diego and yeah, they didn't think very highly of what FDR did to them and their shipmates.
When i was in middle school in the late 90s I remember my grandfather disliking FDR. Which was weird because we were taught that he was the greatest president in history. The more I've learned about FDR the more I understand my grandfather's low opinion of him.
The mainstream media has been corrupt for a very, very long time, engaging in psyops to undermine the American people from within. "FDR is a hero" is just one of their many mind control operations (of course, the National Education Association was fully on board with this one).
It's quite extraordinary how people like your grandfather could see through this programming, in a time before the internet when there were really only three or four TV channels.