Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. They intend for Ukraine to annex the USA and make it one of their provinces.

Phillip4Trump 7 points ago +7 / -0

the baby boom of the late 1940s may have had several causes, but I'm pretty sure some things that helped were (a) good benefits for veterans that gave families some financial security, (b) national debit and inflation were still in control, so dad's paycheck could cover most if not all family expenses, and (c) moms were willing to stay home and raise the kids, not dreaming of some lofty corporate position.

Phillip4Trump 7 points ago +7 / -0

precisely. Since when did the occupying regime in DC want to do anything to promote U.S. prosperity? That's never been its mission.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll be surprised if the 2024 election even occurs on time... my guess is it gets delayed till 2025 due to national emergency.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that white hats would use such a strategy. I can't seen them invoking demons as some sort of benevolent mission to awaken the masses.

Phillip4Trump 4 points ago +5 / -1

I doubt it's the original Madonna. I think the original expired around the time the adrenochrome crisis hit Hollywood during covid.

But she's the sort of person they would have cloned, and they keep the clones on stage because of the demonic power they bring to the cabal... they don't really care about the money any more imo

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, and then the idiots who attend these performances get demon attachments which they bring back to our workplaces and in some cases, our family events like Thanksgiving Dinner or what have you.

Phillip4Trump 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bezmenov did indeed have an important message and it's sad how few Americans have learned about his warnings.

The other Soviet whistleblower who has sadly never been given much attention is Vladimir Terziski from the 1980s/90s: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=vladimir%20terziski

Terziski's testimony is especially important now in light of all the shenanigans in Antarctica involving Obama, Buzz Aldrin, the Iranians, et al.

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

the way I see it, each of the major political factions has its own cryptocurrency that it is backing to control as much of the chess board as possible.

Bitcoin is the DARPA crypto, brought to us by the founders of Fakebook, YT, etc.

Ethereum is the SEC/SES/Hussein crypto.

XRP and XLM are Trump Team cryptos, they are the backbone of the new economic system that will feature U.S. Treasury dollars as opposed to Federal Reserve Notes... some people call it the Quantum Financial System, though that is probably a misnomer.

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but haven't couples worldwide long ago figured out that gel improves compatibility?

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did Elvis really play a guitar that had that many strings?

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah, white Christian immigrants have not typically been problematic in the USA, so I'm not alarmed by the current influx of Ukrainians. In fact, they help to offset some of the cultural degradation being inflicted by the Muslims, Chinese, and Africans.

I recently visited a Texas classroom (far from the border, btw) that had only one native English speaker, a white kid who was forced to learn alongside 20 illegals from Mexico. It was ridiculous that he alone could understand what the teacher was saying.

I asked the teacher how often he assigns homework to this class. He laughed and told me that he has an unspoken agreement with this students: He won't assign homework, and they won't bring guns to class. I guess it was a win-win?

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have to say that the Ukrainian kids are actually not a problem. Most of them arrive in the U.S. speaking English pretty well as a result of movies and video games. They are super sharp, especially in math and science, and they have Christian values. They quickly fit into traditional American society the same way that Eastern European immigrants from a century ago did.

As far as English proficiency goes, the Ukrainian kids usually push themselves very hard to master writing and academic vocabulary. They tend to beat themselves up if they make grammar mistakes. Their attitude is the polar opposite of the Arabs.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

in Texas, the way many schools are "serving" these non-English and non-Spanish speakers you mention is to actually hire teaching assistants who speak Arabic, Urdu, etc. These assistants sit at the tables with the students and interpret for them, help them do their assignments, etc.

Why not? It's only taxpayer money. I've seen classrooms of 20 students together with one teacher and four teaching assistants (translators). It's a circus, and the taxpayer-funded salaries of the teaching crew easily reaches $1000/classroom/day.

In spite of all this bending over backwards to reach the students who can't or won't learn English, academic results are still exceedingly poor.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

it's increasingly common. In many Texas schools, there is a TV monitor in the classroom that "hears" whatever the teacher is saying in English and automatically translates it into written Spanish. So many of the kids keep their eyes glued to the TV screen for the closed captioning, rather than actually looking at the teacher.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

saw this too, agree it is notable even if dense reading.

Phillip4Trump 9 points ago +9 / -0

probably just that they were treated decently by the Russian military.

This sort of thing was common in the Vietnam War too. North Vietnamese POWs would usually be killed by their own government after being released by the South Vietnamese military in a prisoner exchange.

The reality was, the Hanoi commies didn't want these POWs telling their friends and family that the South Vietnamese and Americans were not, in fact, the devil incarnate. It would have gone against the socialist narrative.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, brainwashed family members like her. When I ask them why, they say: "She was an international diplomat so she knows the world stage [their exact phraseology], and she won't tear the country apart the way Trump did."

Needless to say, I keep the Thanksgiving and Christmas conversations focused on other subjects.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

maybe she took the submarine entrance. there was one...

Phillip4Trump 4 points ago +6 / -2

Cheerios, other GMO foods, plastics/styrofoam, as well as vaccines play a huge role in this. A lot of parents point the finger at their gender-bending kids but fail to understand how their own bad choices in terms of nutrition and pediatric care caused the whole damn mess to begin with.

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