Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

well we shouldn't be surprised if Crooks turns up somewhere else where people least expect him... by all appearances he still lives

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

they will probably explain the bruise as the result of him hitting his head when he was in Las Vegas. But no, I wouldn't buy it.

Phillip4Trump 8 points ago +8 / -0

My father-in-law escaped the Cambodian genocide. The communists killed fully a third of their population and they weren't done yet when the Vietnamese finally invaded and put an end to them.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

it's like how Lloyd Austin has never looked the same since he went AWOL, or how Putin hasn't looked the same since he supposedly went off with his mistress to have their baby a few years ago and wasn't seen for weeks.

These leaders all get some combination of body doubles, masked actors, and if they're important enough, clones.

Phillip4Trump 22 points ago +22 / -0

Not sure, but I guess we'll find out soon.

Another possibility is the military gives the Supreme Court the green light to announce they found the 2020 election fraudulent and award the presidency to DJT.

Then again, military events may transpire that cause the office commander in chief to be more important than that of the presidency... who knows, maybe the presidency will be left vacant for a while and DJT serves as CiC.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a rumor a few days ago that he suffered a stroke aboard AF1. Well, at least his clone or body double did. Perhaps there was some truth to the rumor.

But ask any pilot of large aircraft, they will tell you they take great care never to overspeed the plane. Mach 0.86 is about as fast as AF1 can travel, and it's a hard limit.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

there may well be something to this - though we should keep in mind that Vanguard and Blackrock are the majority owners of loads of companies in America.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

can't the men just send in a letter saying they declare themselves to be a woman, or female iguana?

Phillip4Trump 0 points ago +1 / -1

while I agree with the idea of mass deporting all illegals, sadly, what I hear from the Trump team is that they're going to focus on deporting only the proven criminals and let many or most of the rest remain.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Granted this is in the UK, but Muslims in America think they same way whether they say so openly or not.

When the United States fought Muslim countries in the Barbary Wars a couple hundred years ago, American leaders made it clear that the constitutional freedom of religion did not extend to Islam, because its foundational principles were antithetical to the values enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

From the looks of it, they might have elected the Swedish Chef as their president.

Phillip4Trump 4 points ago +4 / -0

From what I can see, the White Hats are encouraging us to ditch cash for silver... and they're kind of encouraging holding gold for long-term saving.

I don't see how holding the Federal Reserve's cash puts power in the hands of the people. Doesn't it just put more power in the Fed's hands? If we had constitutional money issued by the Treasury, be it paper, coin, or digital, that would be a positive change imo.

But if it's the digital variety, it would have to be backed by physical assets like precious metals, oil, real estate, thorium, etc. and actually I think that is largely what the White Hats' plan is.

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

CREAM reminds me of the term LERM (Light Encoded Reality Matrix) that some anons are familiar with... A.R. Bordon reference from 10 or 15 years before anyone heard of Q.

Phillip4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

did Derek actually say anything of note in this interview? it seems that recently he's been pretty much out of the loop.

Phillip4Trump 14 points ago +14 / -0

I agree we're on the precipice.

But I'm kinda getting impatient for the crisis cuz we need that to get to better days ahead.

I'm ready to get this show on the road.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

it's this fact that gives the Deep State a veneer of plausible deniability about their weather modification attacks.

There were eyewitnesses in downtown HOuston saying a tornado touched down in a very localized area surrounded by nearby skyscrapers... and everyone knows tornados need wide flat areas (e.g. Kansas, Oklahoma) to form. They don't form in the middle of a major downtown area.

Phillip4Trump 10 points ago +10 / -0

they do seem to have been targeting Texas with weather tech big time for at least a year now. The fires in the Panhandle, the more recent tornados in Houston, and all this stuff in the middle of the state.

Purposes, I'm guessing would be to cripple the food supply (beef, grain mostly), take down electrical power systems, and acclimate people to FEMA presence. But assuredly I'm missing some aspects too.

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too much of a basket case, and with a predisposition towards demanding welfare/socialism that wouldn't work within the values system of the new republic.

Phillip4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do think we'll see most of the Canadian provinces join the U.S. when this is all said and done, actually. Quebec might choose to remain independent.

Having Nunavut and those far northern regions of Canada will make sense when President Trump buys Greenland as he's already hinted.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the states of Australia petition to join the USA as well. A change of the country's name might make sense if that happens to reflect the new geographical span of the nation.

There are hints out there that Hawaii is going to be granted independence in this realignment. While that seems to make poor sense militarily, it might be necessary for historical, legal and moral reasons - and it might be one of the conditions for the U.S. annexing Australia and possibly NZ too.

Phillip4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

it would definitely be rough on the Taiwanese.

The Cuban population inside the U.S. (both legal and illegal) plus most of the Cubans on the island would probably like the idea of Cuban statehood. The Castro government would probably have to be bought out and sent off to some chalet in Switzerland or something.

As for the Ukrainians, not sure how things could get much worse for them. It'll be interesting to see how many of the 'refugees' return to Ukraine for post-war reconstruction. (probably depends on how much money is pledged for that purpose)

Phillip4Trump 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can see how the CCP might welcome the 3 Gorges Dam going kaplooey. They want to reduce their population and this would be one way to do it while at the same time blaming foreigners.

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