This is a little long, and only for those who want to learn a little more about global sea level rise. I have long contended that the "man-made climate change" propaganda is easily busted when viewing global sea-level rise. If there was a significant increase in the rate of global warming, presumably due to human activities, there would be a corresponding increase in the rate of global sea level rise. There has not been such an increase, UNLESS you use the satellite data that has only been collected for the past 30 years or so. The text below is my discussion with the chatGPT AI on this discrepancy.
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Anyone that's ever tried to remove dents from their 2-stroke exhaust pipes knows that filling them with water and throwing them in an ice chest that water expands when frozen,q causing the water to expand and push the dents outwardly. Water then contracts again at higher temps and expands again when boiled.. If the ice caps melt then wouldn't we have lower sea levels? I mean the sea's would have to be boiling for them to expand/rise sea levels