This is the heartbreaking moment a toddler is seen walking out of a Syrian prison cell inside tyrant President Bashar al-Assad's 'human slaughterhouse'.
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡
Yea the minute the kids come out is the minute my bullshit meter starts pinging
It’s all so tiresome. The sheep lap this crap up. Remember the recent BS Isreal tried to spin with “beheaded babies” and “kids in ovens”.
Why would you bother jailing a child? Imagine the constant crying and noise. Clowns.
We know for a fact Isreal jails kids from 12 years old regularly, are they the bad guys?
These rebels are Islamic terrorists, why would anyone believe anything they say?
Remember the white helmets and all their faked rescues? Remember the Ghouta gas attack false flag?
This is just the same, but the normies won't realise that.