164 The US Department of Labor is investigating HelloFresh”, the company has been using illegal migrant children as part of their labor force (abcnews.go.com) posted 70 days ago by brain_dead 70 days ago by brain_dead +164 / -0 Labor Department investigating migrant child labor claims at HelloFresh The Labor Department is investigating HelloFresh over allegations that migrant children were working at its cooking and packaging facility in Illinois. 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Absolutely correct...we can do better! The love of money (specifically for the "influencers") and laziness keep these sorts of companies in business.
It's true. I know many people who worked full time, run their business and still able to do home cook meals without them.
The important thing is, cook in bulk, freeze, and thaw. LOL
Right? I've never understood either the pre-cooked foods, or the ones where they ship the ingredients to be cooked by the customer. When I worked full time, batch cooking was my go to. Cooked on Sunday, food ready for the week.
One of the most important piece of equipment in the batch cooking is the slow cooker. Wonderful thing.