28 Barry doubles down (www.breitbart.com) posted 9 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 9 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 +28 / -0 Obama: We Need to ‘Rebuild the Institutions’ that Make Diversity Possible Trump's victory has forced Barack Obama to retreat from his lifetime strategy of woke diversity politics, which he calls "pluralism." 33 comments share 33 comments share save hide report block hide replies
"Satan" in Hebrew means "Adversary."
It applies to many people, not just one.
There is but one Lucifer cast down from Heaven by God. Let me guess, now you will argue multiple Lucifers?
I guess you just don't want to read what the Bible actually says about "antichrist."
You can create your own religion, if you want, but Christianity follows that the Bible says.
I must thank you. I made a New Years resolution and I am invoking it early, starting now. No more engaging with idiots on this forum. I feel better already.
Not a problem.
I fully expected you would run away and hide, never once thinking of actually reading the Bible itself.
Buh bye!
Happy New Year!