It's just a joke. I've seen it before. January 1,2,3 are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday = WTF. Jan 29,30,31 are the same - WTF.
The joke is the beginning and the end of the first month of the new year are WTF.
As in What The F?! I didn't say it was a great joke though - more of a pun.
I don’t get it
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. WTF
It's just a joke. I've seen it before. January 1,2,3 are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday = WTF. Jan 29,30,31 are the same - WTF.
The joke is the beginning and the end of the first month of the new year are WTF. As in What The F?! I didn't say it was a great joke though - more of a pun.
WTF is an acronym for What The Fuck