The state of Washington should NOT be paying for the ramifications of such decisions. The people in charge at that time should be paying. Make him and the governor pay out of pocket.
If there truly was a pandemic, tell me why some government employees weren’t included in the government “mandate.” Not that any of what was done was legal or “followed the science”: 6 feet apart, masking, mandated experimental shots, plexiglas in restaurants and cashier checkouts, gloving. Doctors, hospitals, CDC, FDA, NIH all should have known better, and I am sure they did. But they followed what the government said for scare tactics and money. I left a doctor’s office because the doctor herself said the “CDC and even airlines mandates it.” I said, “No” and won’t be back. Everyone forced to take the shot or lose their job should start legal proceedings now, because down the road when your immune system is shot or other health issues develop, will that business still have the money for you to sue? I want EVERY hospital. CEO/CFO, doctor who pushed the shot or administered the shot, every business leader who fired their employee to be prosecuted. Any scientist, government official, pharmaceutical company who developed, distributed, promoted and still pushes an experimental shots must also be dragged into court, prosecuted, imprisoned and in many cases receive the death penalty because that is essentially what the Covid shot and other so called vaccines has done to millions.
The state of Washington should NOT be paying for the ramifications of such decisions. The people in charge at that time should be paying. Make him and the governor pay out of pocket.
Yes. I agree. We can sell their vehicles and house and make him pay.
It was ultimately his decision to void those persons medical freedoms. He should be broken 1st, Then...
AWESOME, make him pay,THEN make his employer pay for appointing such a POS in the first place.
I like that idea.
Good, but make him pay.
If there truly was a pandemic, tell me why some government employees weren’t included in the government “mandate.” Not that any of what was done was legal or “followed the science”: 6 feet apart, masking, mandated experimental shots, plexiglas in restaurants and cashier checkouts, gloving. Doctors, hospitals, CDC, FDA, NIH all should have known better, and I am sure they did. But they followed what the government said for scare tactics and money. I left a doctor’s office because the doctor herself said the “CDC and even airlines mandates it.” I said, “No” and won’t be back. Everyone forced to take the shot or lose their job should start legal proceedings now, because down the road when your immune system is shot or other health issues develop, will that business still have the money for you to sue? I want EVERY hospital. CEO/CFO, doctor who pushed the shot or administered the shot, every business leader who fired their employee to be prosecuted. Any scientist, government official, pharmaceutical company who developed, distributed, promoted and still pushes an experimental shots must also be dragged into court, prosecuted, imprisoned and in many cases receive the death penalty because that is essentially what the Covid shot and other so called vaccines has done to millions.
I sure hope everyone would do that because I did not take it and didn't lose my job.
He is definitely Soros paid turd.