Specifically the ocean- specifically at night, specifically water at the shoreline- something coming across/ above/ along/ under the water to a US shore? What travels under the cover of night via the ocean to the shoreline? Planes? Missiles? Submarines? Maybe warning of a false flag “ attack?” 🤔spitballing here…
OK! But I don't get what it means, despite following all this from 2015.
Specifically the ocean- specifically at night, specifically water at the shoreline- something coming across/ above/ along/ under the water to a US shore? What travels under the cover of night via the ocean to the shoreline? Planes? Missiles? Submarines? Maybe warning of a false flag “ attack?” 🤔spitballing here…
you are welcome to spit ball here !
Cubans on a truck-boat.
I'm Cuban so I can make that joke lol
Good thinking girl! 👏