The important thing to remember is they have offered up to the public the guy they say did it. If he resists taking the fall, he will likely die before he is convicted. If he plays along, he may live through the trial and either be locked away forever or he'll have a forced suicide event if he knows too much.
If he has been MK Ultra'd and he ever shows signs of his programming being in jeopardy, then they will trigger his self destruct alter and provide him the means to suicide himself.
Maybe he didn't do it?
That's not important for today's justice system.
The important thing to remember is they have offered up to the public the guy they say did it. If he resists taking the fall, he will likely die before he is convicted. If he plays along, he may live through the trial and either be locked away forever or he'll have a forced suicide event if he knows too much.
If he has been MK Ultra'd and he ever shows signs of his programming being in jeopardy, then they will trigger his self destruct alter and provide him the means to suicide himself.
I get victim vibes, for sure.