Right. I have a hard time explaing to people my outlook on that subject. See many people are born and grow up with something in their dna that makes them want to be a leader or something great. They want to be seen by many.
Trump is good example. He likes to be in the lime light -seemingly.
Me. I have always tried to be one who would not be taken to the high mountain and promised the world. I don’t know why at times either.
One can tell me I am not being a good Christian because I don’t want to level up so to speak. I don’t want to be a manager, leader, praised, or anything. Never have. I am cursed with this other weird drive.
I want people like Trump and others to be given that thing. For example. I believe every single host on MSM has been taken to that high mountain and was given an option. Those who are no longer alive denied that option and in reality they are martyrs. We will never know these days. Nonetheless these MSM and others who have taken evil as their ruler will have a greater punishment and that too makes me sad for them.
I am human and have more flaws and problems than I want but I don’t have a problem with being on a mount and the devil telling me to kneel. I won’t kneel. Anyone who wants that problem is insane in my opinion. Those who knowingly and purposefully attack Christians and God will be met with worse punishment than I want to comprehend. I am more sad for those who oppose Gods Children than Gods Children.
Right. I have a hard time explaing to people my outlook on that subject. See many people are born and grow up with something in their dna that makes them want to be a leader or something great. They want to be seen by many.
Trump is good example. He likes to be in the lime light -seemingly.
Me. I have always tried to be one who would not be taken to the high mountain and promised the world. I don’t know why at times either.
One can tell me I am not being a good Christian because I don’t want to level up so to speak. I don’t want to be a manager, leader, praised, or anything. Never have. I am cursed with this other weird drive.
I want people like Trump and others to be given that thing. For example. I believe every single host on MSM has been taken to that high mountain and was given an option. Those who are no longer alive denied that option and in reality they are martyrs. We will never know these days. Nonetheless these MSM and others who have taken evil as their ruler will have a greater punishment and that too makes me sad for them.
I am human and have more flaws and problems than I want but I don’t have a problem with being on a mount and the devil telling me to kneel. I won’t kneel. Anyone who wants that problem is insane in my opinion. Those who knowingly and purposefully attack Christians and God will be met with worse punishment than I want to comprehend. I am more sad for those who oppose Gods Children than Gods Children.