I’m sure this has been discussed on here, probably many times over the years. But I just wanted to hear anyone else’s opinion on possible other scenarios I may not have taken into consideration. So here are my thoughts on what I think needs to happen before the inauguration. Although, I’m a nobody and do not know the entire picture so I may be wrong, and I’d love to hear other theories that may put my mind at ease.
If it is believed that so many people in power, elected and appointed, will be stripped of their roles in government (or not government but roles of power) due to fraud eviscerating everything, then the only thing I can think of being the fraud that does that is the stolen 2020 election/covid. So to me, logically, I would think the only way that would be done is by it happening without trump in office. For obvious optics reasons, “Trumps being a dictator and reversing elections which goes against our constitution”. So if that were to happen, wouldn’t we only have a little under 6 weeks for the fraud to be exposed and accepted in the highest levels of government?
There’s so much going on now, ufo’s/drones, big domestic stories like the ceo being murdered and all of the Diddy and associate stuff, many geopolitical moves happening with Israel, Iran etc. However to me, is just noise and is secondary to my main view of justice; the justice and accountability of the 2020 election being stolen and fake covid. Which to me would take care of all of those other things down the road if it became true. Idk, it’s hard getting excited about anything else “happening” until the biggest crimes against the US citizens, and the world, are proven and the people who were responsible for it are held accountable. I’m probably just harping and venting on what means the most to me. Maybe I’m being selfish? I was speaking to a fellow co worker yesterday, who is also based. And I said that even though I may sound like people during the start of covid, I just think to myself that I hope this movie is coming to an end here shortly and that all of the things I discussed above happen so that I can just stop thinking about all of this and get back to my life. Which I think I would be grateful for and would take as a sign from god as a second chance of living a happy and fulfilling life. To be able to put my focus on making some changes to do that rather than being consumed by all of this everyday. And it’s hard not to be when it’s everywhere around me.
My theory is that there is someone who really owns all of Earth, and that someone saw all the TRUTH that was being ignored by most everyone else and that someone said enough is enough and caused somehow for things to evolve to right, but that evolution takes longer than most predicted because it requires people to commit more to honoring and living in TRUTH.