Just like the steps to capital hill have always been a public forum but for whatever reason people believe a lie… this too is re-introducing what all Americans already are by default.
This does not mean anarchy it is the mirror. Every American has skin in this country. We need to stop saying it is not our responsibility to be our brothers keeper. It is all our responsibility to be our brothers keeper.
If it takes children to reignite this point-so be it.
As for being deputized do we get a tax break for our time? :)
Just like the steps to capital hill have always been a public forum but for whatever reason people believe a lie… this too is re-introducing what all Americans already are by default.
This does not mean anarchy it is the mirror. Every American has skin in this country. We need to stop saying it is not our responsibility to be our brothers keeper. It is all our responsibility to be our brothers keeper.
If it takes children to reignite this point-so be it.
As for being deputized do we get a tax break for our time? :)