1 cup Baking Soda, 1/3 cup salt, 1/2 cup vegetable glycerin, add enough water to mix into paste.
You can add your own essential oils that you like.
Hair Coloring
Instead of all the chemicals and unpronounceable things, you can use henna. The only problem with henna is, unless you are a red head, it's hard to control the color. It will turn your hair into someone like Horatia of CSI: Miami.
Here is what you can do with henna.
- Add coffee - turn it darker
- Add essential oil - last longer, I like to use Rosemary oil
- Add Gentian - turn it more brown and darker
Unfortunately, you have to adjust the color yourself. I cannot give you an exact formulation on this.
Dog Food
Breakfast - 1 raw egg, 1/2 cup raw ground meat, 1/3 cup raw organ meat marinated with Turmeric, garlic powder, onion powder and cayenne pepper. You can also add Ginger or Cinnamon.
Dinner - Bone broth, ham neck, chicken or turkey, can tuna or salmon
Once a week, I fast the dogs for 24 hours. They get bone broth from crock pot that evening. I make enough bone broth to last them throughout the week. Solly is right now 18 and will be 19 soon. He can still hike 7 miles.
Vaccine Replacement for dogs
Heartworm - Ivermectin and Fenbendazole
During the warmer season or I should say mosquito season, I switch between Ivermectin one day and Fenben the next.
Ledum 200C during tick season. One dose equals 3 pallets. I use that for one week straight. Stop it for 2 weeks before starting the protocol again.
I know everyone including my own family members would scream and yell about Rabies vaccine and wanting to inject. Here is something you can do without the vaccine. Please check out homeopathic medicine
Rabies Nosode Dog Spritz
I agree, especially for the mouth. But I have since discovered Eau de Toilette.
In the eighteenth century it was very popular to us a spritz of alcohol to kill bacteria. I am a great fan: One can make one's own - with vodka and DROPS of essential oil, or by steeping cinnamon/clove/staranise/allspice/rosemary/lavender in a jar, (shoutout for that excellent no-hangover moonshine). One could feasibly use a dropper, or an old-fashioned art-deco spritz bottle, to dispense the magic Medieval-Victorian scalp/armpit/weird fungus SOS juice.
But many EDT brands on the market will tell you the essential oils they are using, so there is a whole playground out there.
One relatively cheap bottle will easily last for ages. But, IDK, get several and experiment?
Citrus scents are really cleansing, but don't last long. That is actually a good thing, in the 'freshening up' scope of events. And I mean - the sterilizing effects last up to 24 hrs. Then one can tailor things in term of olfactory delights, like going for frankincence scents (power nineties) which work wonderfully. Actually, frankinsence powders are really good too, which is another subject.
Oh and avoid animal musks - cheap women's scnets like Charlie, and many male ones have it, and it turns into cat-piss/essence of gym. Usually a bit of research on an EDT forum will soon tell you if you are buying a little sunshine, or dark satanic mill stuff.