Just listened to what I consider the best rap song of the 80's.
Dougie Fresh and Slick Rick performing The Show.
Absolutely brilliant, still.
Best of the best.
Thought of it, because of all these pedo rappers going down. Seems to be high ranking leadership involved. I.E. Clive Davis.
No idea for sure, but damn.
This is an 80's classic when rap was a true artform.
You're correct... But it's even more insidious than that.
It was specifically targeted to the white males... The population needed to lose it's identity and search for a "better" one. It was all a part of the age old commie scam. Erase history. Erase self.
And nothing becomes immensely popular without the white people buying it. That's just pure math.
Who's running the show behind the scenes?
Who got the Beastie Boys to go from punk to hip hop?
Who signed Third Bass?
Vanilla Ice?