If I could only pick one -- my choice is 'Getting Our Country Back'.
I am in full and complete agreement with those of you who say 'if we don't punish the wrongdoers, they'll just do it again' -- but if I could only pick one...
And for those of you who are as pissed off as I am that these people have been so hurtful, so intentionally evil -- how do you propose to 'make things equal'?
How do you 'even the scales' when certain people have been responsible for harming hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people? There is no punishment that can even the score.
Unless you leave it to eternity.
I've struggled with this - but I, for one, hope that Trump is laser-focused on giving us our country back.
Then, if he has time left over, I want him to recover all the money stolen and put all these people in jail (or worse).
We will likely only have one leader like Trump in our lifetime, and I believe (short of a direct intervention by God himself) that Trump is the only one that has the ability to change the culture for the better. I'm hoping for some good leaders after Trump, but they better have a cleaned-up culture, or they will be toast.
I will applaud each and every arrest (and more) - but I've already decided to leave the full punishment up to God. There's nothing that we could do to any of these people that would make up for them killing millions.
As we enter this period of re-birth, I believe we need to have an eternal mindset.
If I was a Fed, trying to seed a narrative that "mistakes were made on both sides, we should all forgive and forget to save our democracy" I might post this.
Not saying at all you are a Red, but I don't see the point in this question. Where is it even suggested that you could have one.
I would go as far as to suggest that it is improbable you get any at all, unless you get all three. They seem inextricably intertwined.
As a non-US citizen, however, I too think the best hope for those of us who are in the ClownWorld former democracies, is if you lot get your country back. The cultural impact of positive change due to a Trumpian Golden Age in the US has the potential to sweep the scales off of the eyes of the brainwashed sheep I live with.
Did not mean to be overly critical, I just think the patriots in the US need to take advantage of this once in a millenium set of circumstance and get everything! JUSTICE, REVENGE AND TAKING YOUR COUNTRY BACK. No compromises.
I understand your point, but no, I am not a Fed. (But the suggestion is a first for me.)
I started writing the post based upon one thought -- that we need to realize that there is no way to 'fully' punish some of these cretins who have participated in the killing and maiming of millions of people.
If we rely on human punishment (insert any scenario here) in order to feel 'avenged', none of us will ever truly feel satisfied.
The only way we can ever feel 'avenged' is if we leave it to God -- and to the eternal punishment that is coming to them.
Note: That does NOT mean that we just 'let it go'. We should punish to the fullest extent that we are able - but it will never be enough.
Perhaps I was being a bit too philosophical -- but my goal was to fix our sights on things that we can accomplish (like getting our country back) -- because we'll never be able to do enough to feel that 'justice' has been (fully) served.
Good point.
Especially powerful is what you said about punishment - you are so right.
It will never be enough.
I am so with you on that!