DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable | The ...
As political tides shift, DC food workers are preparing to confront incoming Trump officials in unexpected ways. Discover how this unique resistance is poised to transform the dining landscape and what it means for the capital's social fabric.
It's already going to happen. No MAGA is going to want to patronize any unfriendly establishment on the Hill at a minimum. They will spit, shit, and poison their food.
The Tolerant Left
All those pizza restaurants are going to close down. Attention to any pizzeria outside DC start delivering 😂🤣😂
I would hire an assistant and make him wear blue wig and rainbow nails to go order food in that area
Make DC a literal swamp again. Bankrupt the bitch-ass US CORP. Also i never tire of that pic of poor RFK. 🤮🤣🤣
I thought USA Inc was already bankrupt.
In any case, isn't Trump going to move most of the federal government elsewhere?
Imagine if these assholes were actually in charge. It would be like the Nazi's and concentration camps.