Trump and the White Hats (why isn't there a band with that name?) are UNPREDICTABLE both on purpose and simply because they are VERY smart and have access to a lot more intel and a lot more resources than the rest of us do.
Every time I've felt CERTAIN that something would happen (Trump retaining the White House in 2020 in particular comes to mind), I get surprised.
The only thing I'm sure of is the benevolent and humane natures of Trump and those in the Q and White Hat fold. They WANT to do good, I feel certain (based on their actions so far and on what I've seen of Trump and others in particular). They are hardened fighters, but not uncaring psychopaths. They aren't looking for money or power but rather for a better world. (Of course, they DO USE people of lower character as needed, but that's in service of the greater goal. And it should go without saying that everyone, including on the side of Good, is only human and has a foible or two).
"Benevolent and humane" doesn't mean that INDIVIDUALS can always be protected; the scale of societies in America and around the world is simply too large, just as (in my not-very-popular opinion) God, Nature, or whatever may have benevolent Plans at the larger scale but cannot fine-tune every little thing for each individual. That means not just "the end won't be for everyone" but also that not every death, injury, or even every major catastrophe can be avoided.
Still, I feel confident that the end will put us on the path to be far better future. I'm not 100% certain (the universe doesn't work that way) but confident enough to not worry about it.
Trump and the White Hats (why isn't there a band with that name?) are UNPREDICTABLE both on purpose and simply because they are VERY smart and have access to a lot more intel and a lot more resources than the rest of us do.
Every time I've felt CERTAIN that something would happen (Trump retaining the White House in 2020 in particular comes to mind), I get surprised.
The only thing I'm sure of is the benevolent and humane natures of Trump and those in the Q and White Hat fold. They WANT to do good, I feel certain (based on their actions so far and on what I've seen of Trump and others in particular). They are hardened fighters, but not uncaring psychopaths. They aren't looking for money or power but rather for a better world. (Of course, they DO USE people of lower character as needed, but that's in service of the greater goal. And it should go without saying that everyone, including on the side of Good, is only human and has a foible or two).
"Benevolent and humane" doesn't mean that INDIVIDUALS can always be protected; the scale of societies in America and around the world is simply too large, just as (in my not-very-popular opinion) God, Nature, or whatever may have benevolent Plans at the larger scale but cannot fine-tune every little thing for each individual. That means not just "the end won't be for everyone" but also that not every death, injury, or even every major catastrophe can be avoided.
Still, I feel confident that the end will put us on the path to be far better future. I'm not 100% certain (the universe doesn't work that way) but confident enough to not worry about it.
cheers Narg! comfy as well fren. 🍻