No "top secret special access " person is going to leak this information. Not many would know this information. Leaker would be found out within a day. This is all fear porn. But, I welcome this porn so I can watch ppl freak out. Maybe fauci will say we need the nuclear bomb vaccine which is totally safe and effective.
Exactly. Look at all the telltale signs in just the first sentence:
BREAKING: Intel from a verified high-level source with TOP SECRET Special Access clearance just dropped BOMBSHELL info to us on the mysterious drones being seen across the U.S.
The Truth reads like a Q wannabe with clickbait mixed in.
No such thing as a Top Secret special access clearance. There is a Top Secret clearance, with a SIOP ESI background investigation, and Special Access Program (SAP) access. Note the clearance part versus the investigation part and access part.
Now there could be something like this going on but this person is larping.
It isn't even a wannabe Q or a larp. This super top secret special 007 agent man clearance who decides now is the time to drop a bombshell, please. This is all noise. Just like the drones are sniffing nukes. It's all a show for the ppl who dye their hair and say their gender coincides with the weather and astronomical sky. Since trump won, I told my family better watch out, better not cry, cause the dems are pulling the plug real soon. Since then, everything I have seen is bull shit sitting on bull shit.
No "top secret special access " person is going to leak this information. Not many would know this information. Leaker would be found out within a day. This is all fear porn. But, I welcome this porn so I can watch ppl freak out. Maybe fauci will say we need the nuclear bomb vaccine which is totally safe and effective.
Exactly. Look at all the telltale signs in just the first sentence:
The Truth reads like a Q wannabe with clickbait mixed in.
No such thing as a Top Secret special access clearance. There is a Top Secret clearance, with a SIOP ESI background investigation, and Special Access Program (SAP) access. Note the clearance part versus the investigation part and access part.
Now there could be something like this going on but this person is larping.
It isn't even a wannabe Q or a larp. This super top secret special 007 agent man clearance who decides now is the time to drop a bombshell, please. This is all noise. Just like the drones are sniffing nukes. It's all a show for the ppl who dye their hair and say their gender coincides with the weather and astronomical sky. Since trump won, I told my family better watch out, better not cry, cause the dems are pulling the plug real soon. Since then, everything I have seen is bull shit sitting on bull shit.