+1 Good post for watching what the woke crowd is trying to do in their last days in power.____. We can also know that these 120 House Democrats are full of poorly digested beans and are trying to pull a fast one on the public, and that The Hill article writers are on their side or are simply plain ignorant. Here’s why:
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) when passed by Congress in the 1970s included an expiration date and that date was extended to 1982. 3/4 of the States failed to ratify the ERA by the deadline. This amendment failed. It is expired. Chutes and Ladders (Snakes and Ladders in the UK). If these 120 Dems want an amendment, they have to start all over with a vote in Congress, and then since it would not pass, the States would not even get a chance to ratify.
5 States rescinded their approval, bringing the # of ratifying States down to 33, less than 3/4 necessary.
Not only are these 120 Democrats full of poorly digested beans, the cans they ate from expired in 1982.
+1 Good post for watching what the woke crowd is trying to do in their last days in power.____. We can also know that these 120 House Democrats are full of poorly digested beans and are trying to pull a fast one on the public, and that The Hill article writers are on their side or are simply plain ignorant. Here’s why:
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) when passed by Congress in the 1970s included an expiration date and that date was extended to 1982. 3/4 of the States failed to ratify the ERA by the deadline. This amendment failed. It is expired. Chutes and Ladders (Snakes and Ladders in the UK). If these 120 Dems want an amendment, they have to start all over with a vote in Congress, and then since it would not pass, the States would not even get a chance to ratify.
5 States rescinded their approval, bringing the # of ratifying States down to 33, less than 3/4 necessary.
Not only are these 120 Democrats full of poorly digested beans, the cans they ate from expired in 1982.
source: Congressional Research Service (CRS) https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47619