What do you mean, exactly? Federal Government should “be in control of” the military? Their drones / drills / missions? Curious as to the reasoning and conclusion that the federal govt control of drones would be desirable and/or necessary. Would that not then force branches of military to close their own air space?
If someone on X could post radio traffic of an Air Force Base closing its own air space for “unknown UAP” activity, I would think that branch of military has a purpose for that action, traffic, and language used. Nevertheless, I’m not sure why or how the Fed govt would be sovereign over military since military law is not subject to federal law, at baseline.
What do you mean, exactly? Federal Government should “be in control of” the military? Their drones / drills / missions? Curious as to the reasoning and conclusion that the federal govt control of drones would be desirable and/or necessary. Would that not then force branches of military to close their own air space?
If someone on X could post radio traffic of an Air Force Base closing its own air space for “unknown UAP” activity, I would think that branch of military has a purpose for that action, traffic, and language used. Nevertheless, I’m not sure why or how the Fed govt would be sovereign over military since military law is not subject to federal law, at baseline.