Loool imagine snowing your friends and family this site, trying to help them wake up, only for them to see a white supremacist talk about Israel on the front page. Not helping our cause.
Kek. Jew Derangement Syndrome or JDS for short. A terrible affliction where one is preoccupied with muhh izrill. 😂 edit- downvoters prove it. REEEE HARDER FAGGOTS
Exactly. Q said “ we are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.” Or something like that. So why do people assume it means Izrill da debil? They just jump on that immediately.
Loool imagine snowing your friends and family this site, trying to help them wake up, only for them to see a white supremacist talk about Israel on the front page. Not helping our cause.
Ya I mean this guy looks like a convict. The tear tattoo tells me all I need to know. Barbed wire around his neck means he spent time in prison.
Im sorry reality is painful. Give ur balls a tug
Kek. Jew Derangement Syndrome or JDS for short. A terrible affliction where one is preoccupied with muhh izrill. 😂 edit- downvoters prove it. REEEE HARDER FAGGOTS
If you voted Trump most his donors were Jews.
Not all Jews are good but I'm not blanketing them all as bad. Ivanka is married to Jared Kushner a Jew.
Exactly. Q said “ we are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.” Or something like that. So why do people assume it means Izrill da debil? They just jump on that immediately.