The same playbook, with the same players, who have the same timing and the same visual optics.
Lights flashing, uniforms standing around doing nothing, three-letter agencies everywhere on scene, they know the fake shooter was a student in the school but they don't know about the age...race...or gender. The Sheriff himself admitted that the entire emergency services of Madison were all conducting a drill the same day as the fake shooting! The feds are all over TV pushing their narratives of cellphone information, gun grabs, parental accountability etc. etc. etc. and every media channel is all over it.....again.
X is also a cesspool of liars, dumbasses and frauds. There is a space over there with Mario Nawfal regarding this "shooting" and he and everyone over there think this actually happened and speculate worse than the mainstream media.
Learn people. These are fake and yes....many people are lying about it and can. Remember Q posts. It's freemasons and all they do is lie and stick together. Stop falling for this bullshit.
"feeling vindicated" is a slippery slope to sniffing one's own Pride.
God hates pride more than anything.
On this journey, we will encounter feeling vindicated.
We need to be very careful that doesn't turn into Pride.
That will lead us down a path that includes saying "I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" instantaneously - rushing to conclusion and forfeiting investigation.
If we're going to say that God wins - then we have to adhere to the understanding that God is only interested in Truth.
Real truth.
And if we're concerned about Real Truth - and not just BEING VINDICATED - then we should take a second and investigate.
To make sure we're, Really, operating on God's side (Truth) and delivering him a win, instead of a Lie (which I believe is Not in fact a win)
The difficulty with your position is that you say it's real coz your bro is there. That's not logical. Numerous responders may be kept at arms length or shown evidence that is faked. We simply don't know how these things are staged. You are right that we don't know if it's an FF, but your brother's presence doesn't make it real. We also know a FF can be partly real (people harmed) but the narrative is faked. It's still a FF.
I completely hear what you're saying. And I would not argue for a second that this couldn't be some mkultra'd or somehow-other-"bad guy" influenced shooter.
What I was responding to was the original framing of the post -
"If you think this "shooting" happened in Madison Wisconsin, you're a fool."
It literally - did - happen.
Did we settle on that trans shooter going into the Christian school in Tennassee being a FF that was only partly real?
Or was that just settled on being a deranged trans shooter who had a connection to feds?
My point is we've accepted in the past that the shootings were real, but were done by deranged fed-connected nutjobs.
It's fair to say that I don't have first hand evidence, nor have spoken to my brother about it yet - and thus don't have a real nugget to bring to this.
But my impetus wasn't that - it was just to refute the - "If you think this "shooting" happened in Madison Wisconsin, you're a fool." - conclusion jumping - that tends to make us look very uninterested in discovering truth, and instead adding another "i told you so" to our already overflowing hats.
Psalm 135:14 For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.
Psalm 35:23 David asks God to "vindicate" him, meaning to prove his accusations are false and to show that God is with him.
Who says we're more interested in feeling vindicated rather than the truth?? You just made an assumption and that in itself is a sin. Maybe you should read the rest of OP's post I replied to instead of just the headline. You're reading too much into my post which literally took 3 seconds to write. Maybe go out and get some fresh air Fren!
"Who says we're more interested in feeling vindicated rather than the truth?"
Then why, on an investigation site, automatically start with a Conclusion - instead of presenting "A Situation Worth Investigating"?
Using scripture to refute a point I didn't make isn't a good move.
You used scripture to defend the word "Vindicate" - as if I said that was a bad word or a bad thing. I didn't say that.
What I did say was - "feeling vindicated" is a slippery slope to sniffing one's own Pride.
God hates pride more than anything.
On this journey, we will encounter feeling vindicated.
We need to be very careful that doesn't turn into Pride."
And that word of caution is incredibly true for us here.
Consider all of the eager beavers we have here who would LOVE to go rub it in their neighbor's face that " I WAS RIGHT ABOUT "COVID"!" - I struggle with my own version of this.
If a person isn't Christian, I would expect them to do that.
If a person is Christian - I would ask them - is such gloating going to win their neighbor over to Jesus?
It's the same internal attitude of Pride at work - and this is the slippery slope that I was warning against.
The need "To be Right" instead of the desire to "Know Truth".
Anyways - the impetus to share such a thing wasn't a personal attack on you - so please pause if you feel a desire to swat back again.
The impetus is sharing a word of encouragement for anyone that is here and interested in the line of "work" we're in - encouragement to stick to the straight and narrow path of Truth Seeking in a time where that becomes more and more difficult as different blends of post-election emotions and circumstances play out.
Read what I share with that tone and it will come across as it's intended - helpful, and not hurtful.
Have a good day.