Apparently, this school sho*ting was “predicted” two years ago by this X account @TaoistShelby, and they even accurately name dropped “RadFemHitler” which is the account that “inspired” her to do this.The odds that this is some 🤡 MK Ultra PSYOP just shot through the roof.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

At times I remember there was kamikaze soldiers who do things intentionally for their cause. People today seem to not be able to comprehend that level of dedication. So at times I wonder if we have people who are that level of dedication and we view it as a MkUltra Pysop?
I believe if you took a child and taught the child 2 plus 2 equals 5 and it rooted into their psyche… their whole entire live they would be stuck on that.
We have had upwards to 500,000 thousand children go missing? We have people with millions/billions of dollars. They have the funds and power to raise these children into kamikaze soldiers and in 20 years will see another flood of this junk.