I have read many posts on this subject, but I have yet to find a simple routine. I am on day three of horse paste. Currently taking 1 dose per day, about the length of a Lima bean (175 lbs). Current plan is 7 days on, skip a week, and repeat one more time to get rid of any stragglers.
What is YOUR recommendation? Did you feel healthier afterward?
From OP- Thanks. Can you add more? I will say the morning after my 1st dose I, had a different experience in the boys room next morning. Like my body was saying thank you for the cleanse.
I did the same as u/chachi, I took it whenever I have a cold and the same goes for my family.
However I did it at night time, taking my dose right before bed as I read you're not supposed to eat anything before and after taking your dose.
Additionally if you are looking into doing a lot of cleansing other than IVM, look into either (or both) Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) or Iodine.