CANADA/USA ANNEXATION SUPER-THREAD! RumoUrs are that Trump isn't just blustering about making Canada the 51st state! What do you guys think? Let's all put on our 'big boy pants' and share serious details on what you think will need to make this marriage work!
🍁 Marriage Proposal? 🍁

Stop with this Hopium. My heart can't take this. I have been living beside you Patriots for 8 years now and if I could fast track my family, I would without a second thought. I dream of having the opportunity one day to be an American. If I'm being honest, it's part of my prayers. I am a Master in my trade and I would be a net positive, of that I am sure. I think if the voting was legit, you'd see the majority of Canadians think the exact same way. God Bless America and God Bless Donald J Trump.
edit: Love you Catsfive. I however see Canada as being a fake country. It was established, solely to combat the Americans. The British needed a colony nearby. Canada has always been under British rule. It's fucking embarrassing. We pretend to be so much over here but have never realized we've never been anything more than slaves to the British Empire. And we never will be anything more until we have our own Declaration of Independence or by the grace of God, are offered the chance to be the 51st State of the US. My view is that we are so close to the US, it does not make sense to have a separate country. Let's just fucking crush the Commies together. Canadians, of the non-Gamma denomination, are badass. We'll all be prosperous. We'll all fight against Commies, all day, every day. Is it July 5th yet? LET'S GO !!!!!
I love you too, frog! Right back at you. Okay, your comment has so many good points that it deserves to be broken down into its component parts.
I'm sorry to give you a heart attack this morning, my frog friend. But, we have to pass through the fire to get to the other side. Let's do this!
The royal structure and monarchy is gone. The Commonwealth is history. We’re in totally new waters now. See Trumps capitulation tour 2019
I thought the Constitution was signed in 1982??? I remember it because I was dating a Canadian girl at college who would later become my wife.
I agree with your first point and would say the difference here is that its been open in Canada and secretly done here.
Sadly the u.s.a. has had British control through banking and property taxation stilll going on since 1812. We really didn't win that war, it stopped when we re-signed with the rothchilds bank in 1816. We've since had the illusion of an independent country and by 1871 they formed the good old corporation amd hired our leaders but controlled them. MAGA is about breaking that cycle that got worse as time went on. You poor Canadians were just ruled into oblivion without the illusion. Since the British crown was usurped by bankers when the British monarchy went bankrupt over 200 years ago and thenfake monarchy of German Windsor came into the picture who were all ashkanazi controlled agents the entire world has been deceived. This is what God now delivers us from at least for a period if we can manage to stay free of their evil money amd control.
My wife (a Canadian) and I have discussed this for decades. I always tell her that the difference between Americans and Canadians is that we had to fight for our Independence and that Canada just kinda sorta had it given to them. (She hates this but she cant refute it)
Canada is still UK light. Growing up when wed travel to NS, or go to Windsor for a Saturday or a hockey tourney in Brampton wed fill our gas tank in Imperial gallons. I know its ceremonial now but they still have laws approved by the Governor General. The Queen is still on their money. Even the food they eat and the Church they attend is English.
I know the Canadians among us know this but the Maple Leaf Flag wasnt adopted until 1965. I was already born by then. They were given Commonwealth status and autonomy in only 1931 but it took decades to cut the cord (well mostly, you could argue they still havent 100%). They didnt adopt a Constitution of their own until 1982. I graduated HS in 1982. Charles is the King of Canada.