Things need to change in Congress. (1-instead of voting their own pay raise, their constituents in their district/states need to say “yes or no” based upon performance. 2). Term limits must be established. 3). Stock trading of Congress and immediate family members or by anyone on their behalf must be banned. 4) End lobbyists influencing Congress. Make it illegal to accept gifts or financial gain from lobbyists. 5). Ban Congress from accepting any jobs from companies for which they approved contracts, or any finances. 6). Disclose the slush fund and individuals involved and then ban taxpayer dollars propping it up. 7). Make Congress live by the laws they pass: government health care-stop the Congressional private Cadillac plan. Pass a law, every member of Congress must live by it.
Why would you want to make being a politician such a worthless job? It takes spending hundreds of millions of dollars to even get the position in the first place.
Today’s Congress is in it for their personal benefit, not for the country or its constituents. By limiting the financial scams, only those with true love of the country will campaign for the position. Limit funds used to campaign which will give everyone a chance. With most government workers “working from home”, take the unused government buildings and convert them into affordable apartments for Congressional members. The salaries of Congress and D.C. cost of living encourages fraud to pay to live there.
Limiting funding just leads to more corruption and makes is so anyone unapproved even attempting to run gets charged for corruption despite everyone else doing it.
Things need to change in Congress. (1-instead of voting their own pay raise, their constituents in their district/states need to say “yes or no” based upon performance. 2). Term limits must be established. 3). Stock trading of Congress and immediate family members or by anyone on their behalf must be banned. 4) End lobbyists influencing Congress. Make it illegal to accept gifts or financial gain from lobbyists. 5). Ban Congress from accepting any jobs from companies for which they approved contracts, or any finances. 6). Disclose the slush fund and individuals involved and then ban taxpayer dollars propping it up. 7). Make Congress live by the laws they pass: government health care-stop the Congressional private Cadillac plan. Pass a law, every member of Congress must live by it.
Why would you want to make being a politician such a worthless job? It takes spending hundreds of millions of dollars to even get the position in the first place.
Today’s Congress is in it for their personal benefit, not for the country or its constituents. By limiting the financial scams, only those with true love of the country will campaign for the position. Limit funds used to campaign which will give everyone a chance. With most government workers “working from home”, take the unused government buildings and convert them into affordable apartments for Congressional members. The salaries of Congress and D.C. cost of living encourages fraud to pay to live there.
Limiting funding just leads to more corruption and makes is so anyone unapproved even attempting to run gets charged for corruption despite everyone else doing it.