Imagine thinking you're better than someone because you worked for the khazarian army. All government employees are parasites, including military. They don't create wealth or value.
We wouldn’t need a massive industrial military complex that costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year if our leaders would mind their own fucking business and quit getting us involved in other countries conflicts. I do respect and appreciate majority of military service members (minus the woke generals and higher ups) but National Guard and Coast Guard are the only ones who actually provide real value and service to the American people. Unfortunately the other branches are just used as pawns to fight in pointless globalist wars that benefit nobody except for the elites. The Civil war was arguably the last war in which military “fought for our freedoms.” Maybe WWII but that wasn’t really our fight to begin with.
Hey I’m a mailman and I work hard especially this time of year. If you don’t want your cards and gifts let your mailman know he’s a parasite and you don’t want his service and he’ll send em all back for you.
Imagine thinking you're better than someone because you worked for the khazarian army. All government employees are parasites, including military. They don't create wealth or value.
We wouldn’t need a massive industrial military complex that costs taxpayers trillions of dollars a year if our leaders would mind their own fucking business and quit getting us involved in other countries conflicts. I do respect and appreciate majority of military service members (minus the woke generals and higher ups) but National Guard and Coast Guard are the only ones who actually provide real value and service to the American people. Unfortunately the other branches are just used as pawns to fight in pointless globalist wars that benefit nobody except for the elites. The Civil war was arguably the last war in which military “fought for our freedoms.” Maybe WWII but that wasn’t really our fight to begin with.
Hey I’m a mailman and I work hard especially this time of year. If you don’t want your cards and gifts let your mailman know he’s a parasite and you don’t want his service and he’ll send em all back for you.
(Just joking around I’m not actually offended)