Prostitution or forced labor. I understand about the prostitution, but forced labor...In America????? Can some one fill me in? Is there actual farms in America that has some kids picking watermelons for eight hours a day? Call me jaded, but I just cannot fathom that happening here. In Mexico, Guatamala, and any other South American country I can see it easily, but America????
They caught a bunch in a meat packing place recently. It happens a lot around me. Migrant kids stop going to school after elementary school so there is noticably less kids in 6th grade. It's very sad how illegal immigrants live. While I like them, getting deported might be the easiest fix.
Prostitution or forced labor. I understand about the prostitution, but forced labor...In America????? Can some one fill me in? Is there actual farms in America that has some kids picking watermelons for eight hours a day? Call me jaded, but I just cannot fathom that happening here. In Mexico, Guatamala, and any other South American country I can see it easily, but America????
They caught a bunch in a meat packing place recently. It happens a lot around me. Migrant kids stop going to school after elementary school so there is noticably less kids in 6th grade. It's very sad how illegal immigrants live. While I like them, getting deported might be the easiest fix.