Why hasn't one been suggested? We CAN make changes to the constitution independent of the federal govt. Governors can call a Convention of the States to make amendments to the constitution, no federal govt involvement necessary. WE can make term limits just like Congress did to the presidency. WE do have the power, we just need to exercise it.
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I signed up, thought about it so went back and signed up again to volunteer to help - the more I consider it, the more convinced I am that THIS is the path we need to be on also. WE need to TAKE our power back!!!! Our STATES need to reclaim their sovereign power.
Last time I checked it was only a couple of states short of a convention.
i totally agree. most people dont realize that their govenor should be more powerful than the president. The predsident is supposed to be Commander in Choef of the Armed Forces. Not a dimentia addled carrer idiot or woke female