When I was in elementary school my school had a Principal and a secretary who manned the phones. Now I bet there has to be fifty office personnel for the same number of students. It doesn't need to be this way, we just need to have the gonads to stand up to tyranny and end the uselessness of excess office workers. Every organization has excess people yet it is seen as normal to have them. Heck, even in my town we have a mayor AND a city administrator. My wife says the mayors job is serimonial and the administrators job is to manage the city. WTF??? I voted for a mayor to run the city. If he doesn't know how to do the job then don't run. We are wasting maybe up to $80K because the mayor cannot manage people. Ugh. This will end, too.
Looks like every public school…
Lots to clean up - hope the new administration sees that as a target rich environment
When I was in elementary school my school had a Principal and a secretary who manned the phones. Now I bet there has to be fifty office personnel for the same number of students. It doesn't need to be this way, we just need to have the gonads to stand up to tyranny and end the uselessness of excess office workers. Every organization has excess people yet it is seen as normal to have them. Heck, even in my town we have a mayor AND a city administrator. My wife says the mayors job is serimonial and the administrators job is to manage the city. WTF??? I voted for a mayor to run the city. If he doesn't know how to do the job then don't run. We are wasting maybe up to $80K because the mayor cannot manage people. Ugh. This will end, too.