My son is learning about nuclear information now. Seems to love the Fallout game ideas about it.
I know I had seen on here, or The_Donald back in the day, a comment about some guy who invented the nuclear power program that swallow some radioactive material when they go do their public speaking gigs. I think they also claimed they were swimming in the glowing pools of water.
I cannot for the life of me remember who that guy was.
I am just looking for more data and information on nuclear energy, radioactive products, and the true benefits & accurate problems of radioactive materials.
Any information you guys know of, or places to dig would be appreciated.
Yes, that is exactly correct. Crazy or what? The lower the half life, the more dangerous the isotope is, generally speaking.
Maybe look into building a cloud chamber, easy and fascinating.
Also the HBO series "Chernobyl" is awesome, I binge watched it twice, you've inspired me to do it again.