👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.
Holy Father, Clemenceau, a former French politician used to say « He, who’s not an anarchist in his twenties, is an idiot. He, who still is one in his forties, also is. ». I was quite the rebellious teen and maybe I took it quite late. It’s only when I found my former employer that I found some quietude. Sometime people rebel not for the thrill it gives them, but because they sense the world they live in doesn’t fit Your obvious presence. Godlessness is a source of anger. I never met a quiet anarchist, but I met religious people whose peaceful state of mind I envied. I praise You for this epiphany: Praying while craving for peace is like sipping drop after drop from a stalagtite when one is thirsty. It only takes patience to achieve serenity.
Today we celebrate Ursicinus.
Ursicinus (also Hursannus, Ursitz, Oschanne, fl. 620) was an Irish missionary and hermit in the Jura region. He was a disciple of Columbanus at Luxeuil who followed his master when he was banished from Burgundy in 610, but then retired as a hermit in the Doubs valley. Veneration of Ursicinus is attested since the 7th century. In Grandval, a church was dedicated to Ursicinus in 675. By the 11th century, he was part of the local canon of saints of the Besançon diocese. His feast day is on 20 December. Ursicinus' supposed sarcophagus is preserved in St-Ursanne in what is now the canton of Jura in Switzerland.
Today’s Deltas
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=Dec+20
- 1509 = 17 × 88 + 13
From https://findthefactors.com/2020/08/20/1509-a-mystery-level-puzzle-on-training-wheels/
- 1509 = 3 × 503
- 1509 is the difference of two squares in two different ways: 755² – 754² = 253² – 250² = 1509
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1500_to_1599
- Ei Me Ti: from ει μη, and the neuter of τις: if not somewhat:--except.
Matching Bible verses
- 1 Cor 7:5: Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
- 2 Cor 13:5: Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
- Luke 9:13: But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.
- Psalm 88:13: But to You I have cried out, O LORD, And in the morning my prayer comes before You.
Q DROP #1509
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=%231509
See you tomorrow, Frens!🤓
Give Izzy a nice pat from me, please. Take excellent care of yourself: when you spread so much love, you get a loving home.🤗💐
Yes. I will gladly give her a hug and a pat from you. She doesn't get around like she once did. She has to circle the Living Room in order to get a running start to jump up on her love seat. We think she is partially deaf as she can't hear like she once did. We have to stomp the floor or bang on something to get her attention. But Thank God she is still with us. And she knows it's the Holiday Season as she knows I cook and decorate for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and that she will partake and get her fair share. After all , she is one of the family and has been for almost 16 of her 18 years of life. We got her when she was about 2 years old.
Good girl!❤️💐