^^^ Came here to post this. Only US citizens should be allowed to own land. And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period.
Please note that corporations aren't citizens, businesses aren't citizens.
<Rod Serling voice> Imagine, if you will. a group of people so vile they've been kicked out of over 30 other nations. A group so disgusting that they feel the need to make any criticism of them illegal. </Rod>
^^^ Came here to post this. Only US citizens should be allowed to own land. And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period.
Please note that corporations aren't citizens, businesses aren't citizens.
"And dual citizenship should not be allowed. You're a US citizen, or you aren't, period."
That's anti-semitic!
Oh nose! Anyway...
<Rod Serling voice> Imagine, if you will. a group of people so vile they've been kicked out of over 30 other nations. A group so disgusting that they feel the need to make any criticism of them illegal. </Rod>