Freedom is hard to live with when you allow people to do free people things, but it's still freedom. Don't allow dual citizenship? That doesn't sound like freedom. I get not allowing foreign corporations to buy American soil. But all of you proclaiming to outlaw doing things that make free people free are absurd ,IMHO
One person, one citizen, of one country. You cant pledge your allegiance to more than one country. I mean you can, just like you can cheat on your spouse. You are free to do it but it is not right.
The founding fathers were traitors to England and hunted criminals. They pledged their allegiance to the new colonies. Your really reaching for justification here. No one with dual citizenship should serve in the government of those countries. Period. Suppose we were to finally wake up to the horrors Netenyahoohoo's reign? Half of our congess would be dual traitors.
Antisemitism will get you no where. The jews the jews the jews . Try "the kazarians".
And you missed the point . To he "free" has nothing to do with what country you're loyal to. Get it , or is the world flat
Not a question of loyalty, I'm talking about freedom to do what you want without government over your shoulder ,as long as it's legal. Apparently you didn't understand the premise. What good is freedom if you're not really free. I've probably done the pledge of allegiance more times than you've changed your panties. I know what loyalty is and how to defend it
Freedom is hard to live with when you allow people to do free people things, but it's still freedom. Don't allow dual citizenship? That doesn't sound like freedom. I get not allowing foreign corporations to buy American soil. But all of you proclaiming to outlaw doing things that make free people free are absurd ,IMHO
One person, one citizen, of one country. You cant pledge your allegiance to more than one country. I mean you can, just like you can cheat on your spouse. You are free to do it but it is not right.
Allegiances are fluid . Look at Washington. I don't see the problem with dual citizenship. The founding fathers weren't natural born citizens.
The founding fathers were traitors to England and hunted criminals. They pledged their allegiance to the new colonies. Your really reaching for justification here. No one with dual citizenship should serve in the government of those countries. Period. Suppose we were to finally wake up to the horrors Netenyahoohoo's reign? Half of our congess would be dual traitors.
Antisemitism will get you no where. The jews the jews the jews . Try "the kazarians". And you missed the point . To he "free" has nothing to do with what country you're loyal to. Get it , or is the world flat
Do you not understand what dual citizenship really means? Who are you really loyal to?
Not a question of loyalty, I'm talking about freedom to do what you want without government over your shoulder ,as long as it's legal. Apparently you didn't understand the premise. What good is freedom if you're not really free. I've probably done the pledge of allegiance more times than you've changed your panties. I know what loyalty is and how to defend it
One cannot have two masters.
And there you have it. We are the master, not them