Now they can only harass you in a passive aggressive way if they are black hats. Pass this and they can charge you for that smart Alec comment made in jest to your bff who totally gets your humor and knows it is just a joke. Or you could be charged with a law yet not passed once AI does enough prediction to determine who might be ungovernable. Share a recipe all they have to do is pass a law claiming symbolic text suspected of being plots for violence require a 6 month hold period. At least now they have the additional hurdle of making up something and planting evidence or just harassment. Meanwhile actual police work stoping actual bad guys is underfunded and under manned. Children being trafficked but we need resources to monitor political opponents. Not Good
Now they can only harass you in a passive aggressive way if they are black hats. Pass this and they can charge you for that smart Alec comment made in jest to your bff who totally gets your humor and knows it is just a joke. Or you could be charged with a law yet not passed once AI does enough prediction to determine who might be ungovernable. Share a recipe all they have to do is pass a law claiming symbolic text suspected of being plots for violence require a 6 month hold period. At least now they have the additional hurdle of making up something and planting evidence or just harassment. Meanwhile actual police work stoping actual bad guys is underfunded and under manned. Children being trafficked but we need resources to monitor political opponents. Not Good