Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
As a fellow Californian, I hear ya! It's more than frustrating. It's infuriating that these corrupt Politicians get away with this criminal behavior. Pure greed. Pure evil.
I was born in Calif but I left after more than 50 years because I couldn't stand the graft and corruption leading to horrible living conditions due to draconian taxes.
I'd love to leave CA, but I have 5th Generation family and friends who won't budge. Maybe Newsom and Kamala will do so much damage (already have, I know) that my immediate family and DH will see the light and leave. It may be too late at this point. Even so, I have faith in God to see me through any turmoil. If I or my loved ones suffer, I pray it will be short and enlighten them to the truth as we leave this world behind for a better one.
Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
As a fellow Californian, I hear ya! It's more than frustrating. It's infuriating that these corrupt Politicians get away with this criminal behavior. Pure greed. Pure evil.
I was born in Calif but I left after more than 50 years because I couldn't stand the graft and corruption leading to horrible living conditions due to draconian taxes.
Wow 50 years ! I’m sorry you left but I know you’re happy ! I think of it all the time , can I ask you what state you went to?
It wasn't just the 50 plus years living there, my family roots go back to the Indians that built one of the missions, but I still had to get out.
I moved to WY, one of the most red states in the union.
Good for you. I hope you're doing well.
I'd love to leave CA, but I have 5th Generation family and friends who won't budge. Maybe Newsom and Kamala will do so much damage (already have, I know) that my immediate family and DH will see the light and leave. It may be too late at this point. Even so, I have faith in God to see me through any turmoil. If I or my loved ones suffer, I pray it will be short and enlighten them to the truth as we leave this world behind for a better one.
I'm loving living in a free state.
It was hard to leave Calif partly because my ancestors built one of the missions.
But, it was time to leave the shithole that the state had become.
Good luck convincing your family to move and if they don't, I pray you stay safe and healthy.