Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested
It's a big club...(You know the rest)
They're not going to arrest themselves (see #1)
Since they're ALL compromised doing some vile activity (on film), they'd expose themselves if they spilled the beans...
Say they don't care about #4, they took a blood oath to NEVER, under penalty of horrid, ritualistic death, to never rat out a fellow member of the secret handshake club
They're living the high life just going along with the program, why would they give up their luxuries to benefit/vindicate the great masses of unwashed sheep/goy/slobs that aren't in the club?
Pelosi's kin would never do anything like embezzlement /S
"Everyone else" is doing it... and not getting caught... they'll take their chances because, "We have people literally EVERYWHERE" (Like Mr White from recent Bond film before he slithers away...)
Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
It's a big club...(You know the rest)
They're not going to arrest themselves (see #1)
Since they're ALL compromised doing some vile activity (on film), they'd expose themselves if they spilled the beans...
Say they don't care about #4, they took a blood oath to NEVER, under penalty of horrid, ritualistic death, to never rat out a fellow member of the secret handshake club
They're living the high life just going along with the program, why would they give up their luxuries to benefit/vindicate the great masses of unwashed sheep/goy/slobs that aren't in the club?
Pelosi's kin would never do anything like embezzlement /S
"Everyone else" is doing it... and not getting caught... they'll take their chances because, "We have people literally EVERYWHERE" (Like Mr White from recent Bond film before he slithers away...)