Dominion machines and DS could be a factor, but a look back over time, I think will show that the inner-city population, lured by the Sirens Song of empty promises has steered themselves into the rocks year after year.
Just something I have remembered since a teen:
When Ulysses was sailing by the Isle of Sirens, he, according to legend, ordered wax put into the ears of the crew, then he had himself strapped to the mast, and the helm locked straight ahead so that they would not be lured from the course by the enchanting music of the Sirens.
When Orpheus passed by he allegedly played so beautifully that the music of the Sirens held no appeal for his men.
The strong are not shielded from temptation, but are they who have within sufficient strength of character to overcome temptation, rather than be overcome by them.
You sure it wasn't Dominion machines and DS?
Dominion machines and DS could be a factor, but a look back over time, I think will show that the inner-city population, lured by the Sirens Song of empty promises has steered themselves into the rocks year after year.
Just something I have remembered since a teen:
When Ulysses was sailing by the Isle of Sirens, he, according to legend, ordered wax put into the ears of the crew, then he had himself strapped to the mast, and the helm locked straight ahead so that they would not be lured from the course by the enchanting music of the Sirens.
When Orpheus passed by he allegedly played so beautifully that the music of the Sirens held no appeal for his men.
The strong are not shielded from temptation, but are they who have within sufficient strength of character to overcome temptation, rather than be overcome by them.
Ulysses is a great read.
It could be both.