Correct, but when you look at the top video of the crash, how could the plane split like that and half of the plane was unscathed!?! Just seems so suspect/staged. Kind of like the Loretta Fuddy plane crash. Oh, this lady's husband just happened to send a video from inside the plane before it went down. Then dragging live survivors out of half of the plane? Does the fuselage they're crawling out of look small to you? People just standing around? Where's emergency services? Where's the panic, screaming, crying? Very little. I go back to Q post 259; 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Who was on that flight?
Correct, but when you look at the top video of the crash, how could the plane split like that and half of the plane was unscathed!?! Just seems so suspect/staged. Kind of like the Loretta Fuddy plane crash. Oh, this lady's husband just happened to send a video from inside the plane before it went down. Then dragging live survivors out of half of the plane? Does the fuselage they're crawling out of look small to you? People just standing around? Where's emergency services? Where's the panic, screaming, crying? Very little. I go back to Q post 259; 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills. Who was on that flight?