What would Russia benefit from damaging electricity infrastructure of Finland and Estonia? It's likely the USA just like it was the USA also who destroyed Nord Stream 2 pipe. Now the USA can sell oil & gas to Estonia & Finland because they can't distribute electricity between the countries.
Then again it could be Ukrainians (Western Intelligence akshully), seeing as they could easily, plausibly point the finger at Russia ('cos proximity to Kalinigrad) - this is also known as a false flag - , and anyway double-bonus: having a pissed off, cold population (Estonian/Finnish) is good for a bit of protest, etc. The Estonians are havin' a Russia, russia, russia moment - making babushkas speak Estonian in the shops etc., and perscuting those businesses who speak Russian, and the Finns are proud new NATO members, and readying for another Winter War or somehing. Perfect for cultivating a Russia-phobic NATO-dindonuffin narrative. They want to yell: "See? It was the Russians, we must have boots on the ground now." The only issue is proof of course, but what's proof between friends?
AND ... They want maximum chaos, if only to distract from the Catastrophic Embarrassment aka Project Ukraine.
BTW. re maps:This whole war is strategically about oil, energy and transport corridors/hubs, just as it always was. On a tactical level this war is of seeking high ground and communications hubs. The mapsters speak of 'citadels' and 'forest belts' for cover, and 'sieges'. Suddenly, aircraft carriers and tanks are big fat targets to be spotted and burned. Even rebels in the sandpit can shoot at ships at sea. It has all changed.
So I expect we will hear more about the pipelines in Ukraine, for example. And maybe some more internet cables and such.
What would Russia benefit from damaging electricity infrastructure of Finland and Estonia? It's likely the USA just like it was the USA also who destroyed Nord Stream 2 pipe. Now the USA can sell oil & gas to Estonia & Finland because they can't distribute electricity between the countries.
Then again it could be Ukrainians (Western Intelligence akshully), seeing as they could easily, plausibly point the finger at Russia ('cos proximity to Kalinigrad) - this is also known as a false flag - , and anyway double-bonus: having a pissed off, cold population (Estonian/Finnish) is good for a bit of protest, etc. The Estonians are havin' a Russia, russia, russia moment - making babushkas speak Estonian in the shops etc., and perscuting those businesses who speak Russian, and the Finns are proud new NATO members, and readying for another Winter War or somehing. Perfect for cultivating a Russia-phobic NATO-dindonuffin narrative. They want to yell: "See? It was the Russians, we must have boots on the ground now." The only issue is proof of course, but what's proof between friends?
AND ... They want maximum chaos, if only to distract from the Catastrophic Embarrassment aka Project Ukraine.
BTW. re maps:This whole war is strategically about oil, energy and transport corridors/hubs, just as it always was. On a tactical level this war is of seeking high ground and communications hubs. The mapsters speak of 'citadels' and 'forest belts' for cover, and 'sieges'. Suddenly, aircraft carriers and tanks are big fat targets to be spotted and burned. Even rebels in the sandpit can shoot at ships at sea. It has all changed.
So I expect we will hear more about the pipelines in Ukraine, for example. And maybe some more internet cables and such.