Loomer, Musk, Ramaswamy brawl over H-1B
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Why is this even a conversation right now? Deportations and getting Americans back to work should be the current topic. H1B’s have been used against US long enough. We’ve got too much unemployed American talent sitting around because of H1B’s. America First.
Its not the H1Bs laws its the abuse of the policy.
An immigrant, child of an immigrant or grand child of an immigrant should not have ANY involvement in the politics of their host nation.
At the least it is disrespectful, when looking at the uk it’s treasonous.
He has not integrated, just availed of the education system and learned how to wear a suit and speak publicly. Ultimately he has used these skills to scam pensioners in stock valuations.
He has nothing to offer American, but has sneakily placed himself alongside Musk to ride his coat tails. He is an opportunist criminal grifter.
how about great grand child?
Why not, unless they eat steak, drink beer, own several firearms, go to church, and fly an American flag in their front garden.
Where does loomer fall in that spectrum?
She does not sound US born.
Theories floating around that it’s a bloke. Definitely a chosenite, highly likely mossad influencer / narrative pusher.
Not “ America First” by a long shot.
Loomer is a clown.
It seems to make sense to learn here/work here so they pay US taxes. And America reaps some benefit it also makes them less likely to disappear into the ether..
Which is why offshoring/outsourcing is an even bigger problem than immigrant workers. The American profit hungry corporations move the jobs to where the cheap workers are and then the cheap workers aren't even paying taxes in America or contributing to the American economy. I know so many people that got laid off recently because their department was essentially moved to the Philippines or India or wherever.
In my experience many (short sighted) corporations will abuse the H-1B process to hire internationals hoping to get an in to their home market.. working on Olympic Contracts, or other globalist events.. the foreign workers then get more of their own into the corporation and soon the corporation is pyramids into dumping more $$ on foreign workers than Americans. Sooner or later a Chinese or Indian corporation learns the ropes of the industry and shoulders the American one out of the way .