The Internet was the place to go when you wanted the truth. Now it’s complete 5GW lies. As another non just said. It start around 25 years ago. They saw what independent press could do against their operations aka a certain event that changed the world into a global demilitarized zone.
Notice how American media knew exactly who did 9/11 minutes after the event? Pointed our attention so the forever wars can be started.
Yessir! Like all of these entities, they first deny they exist, then slowly start acting like of course they were here all along.
And as this first paragraph says, any talk of bilderberg being a secret group is a conspiracy theory.
Right? The complete flip.
The Internet was the place to go when you wanted the truth. Now it’s complete 5GW lies. As another non just said. It start around 25 years ago. They saw what independent press could do against their operations aka a certain event that changed the world into a global demilitarized zone.
Notice how American media knew exactly who did 9/11 minutes after the event? Pointed our attention so the forever wars can be started.
They were successful for a long time, too! Now, the tables have turned. Watching the msm has been entertaining. I’m thankful we were awakened.
Same with weed, they went from calling me a "conspiratard pothead" to being experts of all things weed in a week.
Heavier than air flight. First they were mocking Orville and Wilbur, then "Ohh that heavier than air flight, oh yeah, we knew that."
Vitamin C, handwashing, witch burning, etc, etc, etc.
"Arrogance is a weed that only grows in small minds."