And... there is no limit to the number of O1 visas that can be issued.
proving Ramaswampy and AutisticRocketMan really just want cheap and compliant workers.
And... there is no limit to the number of O1 visas that can be issued.
proving Ramaswampy and AutisticRocketMan really just want cheap and compliant workers.
On the positive side. It brought H1B Visas and the flawed system they are back to the forefront in public consciousness in a way they haven’t quite been before.
While simultaneously also dragging the fact American Culture has degraded immensely from those distant days we still long for. With the wrong people being championed as Icons to emulate to our Youth. Which is causing downstream effects and is making the U.S weaker. Though our frustration with constantly being harangued and attacked by many in positions of Wealth, power, and authority is resulting in a vigorous defense of the same culture that seems to slowly be strangling us. And making some of us resistant to the idea that some of the criticisms aren’t entirely wrong. Even if we dislike the sources of the criticism.