If this is posted in the wrong place, I am sorry. I just needed to reach as many people as I can with what I am seeing going on.
I am over 60 years old and in my 60 some years I can count on my one hand how many people I know who have had pneumonia.
Right now, there are seven people I know with pneumonia.
My 12-year-old grandson, his mother and father (not vaxxed). Two of my friends (not vaxxed) and the 45-year-old owner of our company and his 12-year-old son (both vaxxed).
Doctors have told them all it is not contagious so they could not spread it.
My son-in-law told me that all his family members who attended the Christmas Eve party all went home sick with Covid/pneumonia (most of them vaxxed.) My husband I and I were there and fine so far.
It seems the ones not vaxxed are sick for a day or so and the vaxxed are unable to recover.
My office has other people who are sick with Covid/flu. I have NEVER seen this degree of sickness even during normal flu season.
Just wondering if others were experiencing this weird amount of sickness.
We're isolated in the woods with no kiddos. So we basically don't get anything unless we interact with others.
Went to a party out of town a couple weeks ago with a lot of people. Sort of felt off a few days later, took some Ivermectin (I take zinc and C dailly this time of year) and got over it. Last week I went into town to Walmart a few times and felt like I picked something up. Nothing major, just congestion, cough and feeling slightly run down. Have hit it with a few bouts of horse paste over the holiday and am feeling mostly better, but I think it's still with me. Usually doesn't take me this long to shake something with the paste so that's sort of unusual.
My wife & I both had some nasty bug hit us (congestion & ridiculous amounts of mucus).
My ex is vaxed (their whole house is & luckily I am able to decide what my children take medically) & by the sounds of it, their whole house is often sick. My oldest children's grandpa (ex's dad) came down with the turbo cancer & so the whole house rarely gets to go see him since they are so sick so often.
That said, my oldest two came back with a nasty cold of some sort & it put my wife out for two weeks (doctor's notes for bed rest). Usually Quinine (natural form of Hydroxycloroquine that is harder on the stomach/nausea) & Zinc almost alwaslys knock colds out in 24-36 hours for me, with mucus for another week coming out. This is the first time it stuck for about 5 days taking the Zinc & Quinine daily, the mucus is still an issue about 3 weeks later. This isn't normal & not sure what it really is.
u/GGRockz I hope this helps you with data/information.
We are in the high & dry desert of Utah. Often wearing shorts year round due to a dry cold that doesn't effect me much (played tackle football in 12-24" of snow every year growing up with many other guys doing the same). The east coast winter taught me a lesson on wet cold vs our dry cold pretty quick. That said, I find myself having a harder time regulating internal temprature, specifically getting colder more easily than I have before this specific round of harsh cold symptoms.
Thank you for sharing.
You are very welcome.