The whole H1B argument got me thinking about this. I think first and foremost we have to trust President Trump to continue his track record of promises made, promises kept. He will put American workers first.
We also have to think about what a Golden Age is. If we’re living in a period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness will many of our current arguments and debates become moot?
My thoughts are we should hold our fire and reduce our stress levels. President Trump’s vision for the future includes an economy so vibrant that people who want to work will have good paying jobs in their fields. The fear and resentment of being replaced by low wage foreign workers will become a thing of the past.
And based on President Trump’s first term actions, I have a hunch the H1B program will be overhauled to prevent foreign workers from being brought in at lower wages.
I can imagine it but I find it really hard to believe that it will happen. I am old, been working since I was a teen. Before that, Working for my folks since I was old enough to do dishes and mow the lawn. That was joyous work as I saw the benefit to those I love and the return. I knew at a young age what I loved to do for "work", that which filled me with joy and purpose. But the world is set up so that , for most people, doing what you love will not pay the bills. The government takes their cut and squanders it. Corporations took my labor and diminished my soul. My Golden age dream would be to live , truly free, no government, not taxed in any way, a piece of land and trading with my free neighbors. I see many posts here talking about " people taking a job and working". How many people do you know who are happy at their job ? My golden age dream would be for all people to be able to work for themselves doing what they find to be a joy. Making a life of plenty.