THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides..... You should start living as an example then.. No driving license, hunting/ fishing license/ quit paying taxes/ don't buy vehicle insurance or home owners insurance.. show us the path
THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THEM, is to not play, which means, you come up with your own energy sources, you come up with your own barter and trade systems, you live completely independent from everything this government provides..... You should start living as an example then.. No driving license, hunting/ fishing license/ quit paying taxes/ don't buy vehicle insurance or home owners insurance.. show us the path
I gave the Amish as an example, they're the ones who have it figured out.. and you can see what's happening to them. Follow them.